Open Adobe XD or Adobe Illustrator.
Create an artboard by 1440px width and 3000px height.
Use line tool/ pay attention the size that you use for the line tool should be size2 and border color should be hex #707070.
Now draw a long leaning (sloping) vertical trapezoid with sizes: (width,top line: 546px)(width, bottom line: 618px)(height, right line: 1369px)(height,left line: 1513px).
Now change your line to size 3 and make seven horizontal lines inside the trapezoid from the top to the bottom (like a ladder).
Again change your line to size 2 and make a small rectangle on top of the trapezoid (center) with size: width 268px height 142px.
Save and export the artboard.
Send the png file artboard to (
You're done!